Monday, March 30, 2015

Queenstown-adventure capital of the world

My 6 weeks has come to an end and I will be returning home Friday.  This has been an amazing experience and I am so thankful I was able to spend 6 weeks student teaching in another country.  I have learned a lot at my placement and I hope I can bring my experience into my own classroom someday.  New Zealand is amazing and if you ever get a chance, you should visit this country.

I have been very fortunate to be able to travel every weekend to see as much of New Zealand as I can.  I did not get to see everything because I only had 5 weekends here, but my weekend adventures I did have were amazing.  It's a bittersweet feeling about leaving. Of course I can't wait to get home to see everyone, but I will miss being here too. 

For my last weekend in New Zealand, we took off school Friday to fly to Queenstown, which happens to be the adventure capital of the world!  It was an amazing, and expensive weekend, but so so worth it!  As some of you may have seen, I was somehow talked into bungee jumping.  I have never had a desire to do this, but I thought why not, when am I ever going to get another chance.  The bridge where I jumped was the original bridge where bungee jumping started.  I was absolutely terrified and I almost did not jump once I looked down and saw how high up I was.  I screamed the whole time I jumped, but I am so glad that I did it.  As you will see in the pictures by the look on my face, I was screaming, but smiling at the end! 

Saturday, we started the day with a one hour hike to the top of a mountain where we zip lined, which I also have never done, but I really wanted to.  It was a blast and I even went upside down! Sunday we took a one hour boat tour called the thunderjet.  It was a super fast boat and could be 360s, very fun.  Then it was time to fly back to Auckland to finish my last week of student teaching in New Zealand, which also happens to be my last week of student teaching forever!

I have enjoyed writing and sharing with everyone my 6 weeks in New Zealand and hope everyone enjoyed reading about my time here.  I will go home Friday with amazing memories forever.  This was a great way to finish off my 4 years of college.  Now I just have to graduate and find a teaching job! 

My free shirt for jumping

Our hostel for the weekend

Exploring Queenstown

Our hike

Top of the mountain

Gondola ride to the bottom 

Decided to do a Kiwi Bar crawl.  You got one shot at each bar

Until this bar, I just had to get a drink that came in a teapot

This was a jam doughnut shot

Our boat tour

The water was so clear

I've become so good at taking pictures with the scenery being breath taking

This is the mountain we climbed.  If you see the building on top, that's where we climbed to

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Good on you for making the leap! I may have just stayed in the Liquid Courage Bungee bar, ha ha. But looks like an amazing experience!! Photos are impressive.......I'm thinking cover of 'Outside" magazine, lol!!
