Monday, February 23, 2015

First Day of School

You know it's going to be a great school when you get there and they explain that it is like Hogwarts!!!! The school is sorted into houses and everyone has accents, so I can say I now go to Hogwarts, right?  My school is Macleans College, they call high school college and college is university.  Google the school and check it out! It's one of the top colleges in NZ.  It was raining today, so I did not get to take many pictures outside or walk down to the beach after school. 

The house that I will be working in is called Snell house and it is compared to the Slytherin house, which is a little upsetting because I always wanted to be in Gryffindor house.  The color of the Snell house is black and it is represented my the black panther.  Each house at the school is named after a NZ Olympian, which is cool.  The houses compete with each other in different events throughout the year and earn points.  The students are sorted into housing their year 9 and if they have a sibling at the school they are automatically put into the same house. 

The school day is very different then what I am used to.  The day starts at 8:30 and ends at 3:15.  The staff room is beautiful and has a great view of the ocean.  Another thing that is different is when you open the fridge in the staff room, guess what you will find?  WINE!!!!!  The teachers sometimes have a drink while they have their staff meetings at the end of the day.  You could never get away with that in our schools! 

Hopefully in the next couple of days I can get some pictures of the school, but here is a picture that I took walking to school today. 


This is a picture of Lainey.  She is four years old and the little girl I will be living with for 6 weeks.


  1. Do the students live at the college in the houses? Are the students more disciplined.....for instance, what is the cell phone policy for the students?

    Can't wait to see beach pictures!

  2. No, they do not live at the college, but all walk to school. They are very very disciplined and must listen to the teachers. There are no electronics allowed on campus. The students are well behaved and have very good manners.

  3. So interesting!! What grade are you teaching?

  4. So they do not call them grades here. I teach year 9(8th grade), year 10(9th grade), year 11(10th grade), and year 13(12th grade).
